From the Chief Commissioner

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great month!  

WSJ Korea

I should start this week by providing an update on the situation at the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea. You may have seen media reports regarding conditions at the site and recent reports of the decision to leave the Jamboree site early. 

For context South Korea has experienced significant heat wave conditions with extreme humidity. Further there was a large rain event just prior to the Jamboree which also impacted final preparations. These conditions have impacted a few contingents and for the health and wellbeing of youth and adults some contingents determined to relocate from the Jamboree site back to Seoul. Most recently there is now a typhoon heading towards South Korea which increases risk at the Jamboree site – hence a decision has been made to leave the Jamboree site early, with the Australian and all other Contingents relocating to Seoul.  I can confirm that all Queensland members are safe and well and this is simply a precautionary response to the onset of further extreme weather. The Jamboree is continuing in Seoul with a focus on cultural immersion and other activities around Seoul. 

Members of the contingent and their parents have been kept informed of these decisions through the workspace App. 

On 1 August we announced the adult recognition awards for 2023. There were 92 Queensland Adult Members and 3 Rover Scouts who were recognised for their commitment and service to Scouting. My heartiest congratulations and BRAVO to all of you. 

Strategic Pillars

Let’s chat about the third pillar of our Strategic Plan, Sustainability. 

Sustainability needs us to focus on ensuring we are responsive and innovative in our approach to grow Scouting.  We need to ensure we address and accommodate the changing face of volunteering in our community, if we are to continue to provide a program that is Adventurous , Fun , Challenging and Inclusive. 

Sustainability is also about understanding and ensuring our environmental impact is reduced and that we seek a positive outcome. The Environment has been a part of the Scouting program for over 115 years. We know what the right things are- we just need to refocus and deliver a positive impact. 

Further our financial sustainability is also a focus, and we have a responsibility to ensure decisions we take today seek to secure the financial security for Scouting in the future. 


Last week we held our Annual General Meeting and I wanted to provide you with a copy of my presentation to Branch Council. This highlights the closing out of that last Strategic Plan and the introduction of our new plan. The link is below, and I encourage you to have a quick read to get a sense of where we are heading together with the opportunities and challenges ahead. 

CC @ Branch Council 2023


I would again remind all families about AJ2025 – the 26th Australian Jamboree to be held in Maryborough Queensland in January 2025. Please take the time to chat with your group about what they are doing to support and encourage the attendance of your young person at this event. Chat with your Leaders, visit the AJ2025 Website: 

It is critical we endeavour to get as many of our young people to this Jamboree given the cancellation of AJ2022 due to the pandemic and noting that next Jamboree is not until 2029. So, we do not want your young person to miss this opportunity. 

Government Camp

You may have heard that a decision was taken to defer the Governor General’s Camp in Canberra until April 2024. The National office have been in touch with all   registered attendees to advise of that decision. More information will issue in due course regarding this camp. 

Finally, we have agreed as team that we would like each unit in each group to grow by +2 over the 12 months to 31st March 2024. How can you help us?  

You and your young person are our best advocates!  Tell your family and friends of the wonderful experience your young person is having in Scouting and encourage them to come and give it a try!  – With your support we can reach this goal and ensure more young people experience what Scouting has to offer. 

Have a great month and good Scouting!