Scouts Find Place to Call Home
Moreton Daily News released an article about Kallangur Scouts new Den, here’s what they wrote:
“Kallangur Scouts are settling into their new home after five years of using temporary accommodation – and they can’t wait to show it off to the community at their grand opening.
Group Leader Kerry Skillington said it had been a tough time for the group… But they were thrilled to be in the $722,000 centre – purpose built with Moreton Bay Regional Council and Federal Government funding – at Murrumba Downs.
Mr. Skillington said the Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers were delighted with the new facility. “A Scout doesn’t require a lot of equipment, but just being able to have a sizable indoor space to run programs rain, hail or shine will make a big difference. It’s fantastic and we have a big open space and plenty of grass.”
With the precinct also home to the State Emergency Service, Mr. Skillington said it was a great opportunity to forge community connections, “Part of the Scouts program is to give back to the community, so we really do hope we can work with them.”
The Kallangur Scouts’ grand opening is on 12 February from 9:00am – 1:00pm, Ogg Road Murrumba Downs. Stop by and check out the new Den!