Daryl Scott Signing Off
My six-year term as Chief Commissioner finished on 31 October and it has been an intense, sometimes enjoyable, other times, challenging period. I can genuinely say that I have done my best to transform Scouts Queensland into a contemporary 21st century organisation providing streamlined systems and robust support to Scout Groups delivering the Purpose of Scouting into communities across Queensland.
During these years we also faced the not insignificant external challenges of Redress, COVID and widespread flooding with aplomb and resilience. None of this would have been possible without the incredible support for the changes from our volunteer leaders and support staff.
Looking back, this was our journey:
- Six-year strategic plan
- Supporters of Scouting camping arrangements
- Checkfront campsite booking for Branch sites
- Holiday Outdoor Adventure program on a commercial basis
- Trees Adventure application progressing for B-P Park
- Redress modelling and commitment to NRS
-> 54 of 70 redress claims resolved, totalling $4M
-> 18 of 37 associated civil claims settled, totalling $2.5M
- Indooroopilly sale and relocation 4.5 years in, sold part of Karingal, Irene Street Cairns, and Salisbury under contract. Dixon St negotiations thus far unsuccessful
- Visibility of CC in Regions, Districts, Groups and at events
- Scarfing up of commonwealth, state, and local politicians
- Risk management integrated and ALARP
- Enterprise Risk Committee in place
- Xero in 227 formations and Branch to streamline financials
- MS 365 accounts, access to OneDrive, MS Teams for 3000 volunteer adults
- Operoo in all Formations for health information managed by parents with two-way Interface into SMS
- SMS access for Leaders
- District structure now supporting all Groups
- 15 Groups opened, 3 closures
- Four replacement Scout dens at Deception Bay, Kallangur, Clontarf Beach, and Cleveland
- Broader representation on BEC, BFC, interview panels
- AA structure streamlined with 30 standard activity plans.
- Six monthly membership billing in place
- Branch constitution modernised
- Branch-wide delegations’ policy in place
- Child Safety harmonisation project and Child Safe Scouting Officer at major events
- new Youth Program implemented new adult Leader training curriculum.
- Project management disciplines
- On-line membership enquiries and membership application
- 8 new RCs appointed
- Bell tents for Jamboree tent fleet
- Successful big events incl AV2018, QV2021, Cuboree 2018 & 2021, Agoonoree, Nighthawk, Butterfly etc
- Brisbane Gang Show, Wonargo, Rochedale, Redlands, Limestone and Darling Downs Revues
- COVID managed over 2.5 years with single interpretative document, Scouting from home
- Flooding in Feb/March 2022 – 33 sites impacted $2.5M insurance bill
- And finally, not the growth that was targeted but Youth and Adult Membership holding with retention remaining the biggest issue