The Scout Method
It’s our secret ingredient!

Scouting has operated since 1907 and now exists in 174 countries of the world. It is certainly valued in communities and has evolved over that time. Emerging from ideas gathered by our Founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell (B-P), a soldier at Mafeking it is now seen as one of the greatest tools of peace which is aimed at creating a better world.
One of the reasons for its success is the unique aspects on which B-P based the Scout Program. We know that the activities selected by young people working with and supported by adults, create opportunities for each young person to develop skills and attitudes, and acquire knowledge. This happens in Scouting by using the Scout Method. Our method is a system of progressive non-formal self-education made up of elements which work together to provide a rich, active and fun learning environment.
The Scout Method makes Scouting truly unique as an educational movement of young people. Recently this has been reviewed at the World and also at the Australian level. Part of the success of our Movement is that aspects of the Scout Method may be adapted locally by National Scout Organisations to ensure the highest quality programs can be provided that are meaningful for all youth.
Both the global and in Australia, the Scout Method is made up of eight elements. Not one element of the Method is more important than another. Different elements will feature more prominently through different activities and experiences. The Method is a feature that Scouts do.
In Australia, the updated elements of the Method are:
Learning By Doing – Learning through practical experiences and activities.
Nature & Outdoors – The outdoors is the primary setting for learning and encourages a two-way relationship between the individual and the natural world.
Personal Progression – A learning journey focussed on challenging the individual to do their best through a range of experiences.
Promise & Law – Scouting values and ideals that underpin all activities and interactions.
Community Involvement – Active explorations of an individual’s commitment and responsibility to their community and the wider world.
Small Team System – A way to develop interpersonal and leadership skills through teamwork, responsibility and belonging.
Symbolic Framework – A unifying structure of themes and symbols that facilitates the awareness and development of an individual’s personal journey.
Youth Leading, Adults Supporting – A youth movement, guided by adults, where youth are increasingly self-managing.
I know that these aspects support young people and other adults to deliver the Youth Program that is adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive. The Scout Method is the secret of the Scouting delivery. Good luck as we continue to develop and grow Scouting through using these elements.
Great Scouting,
The Youth Program