Volunteer Highlight – Joey Scouts
Meet Emmi, the Branch Commissioner for Joey Scouts
Hello everyone! My name is Emmi Thomas and I am the acting Branch Commissioner for Joey Scouts. It seems a grand title, but it really is just me doing what I enjoy. This month marks fifteen years of my family’s involvement in Scouting. We started by taking our son along to Joeys, and two years later my husband and daughter made their promise together so that the whole family could be Scouts. We have lots of fun over the years – from making cubbies on den nights, to finding our voices at campfires, to discovering waterfalls on hikes, to attending a Jamboree together. We each made our own path in the movement, but it has a valuable experience for each of us.

All over Queensland there are lots of adults in the movement that are making a difference in their own lives, as well as the lives of the young people in their care by being Scout Leaders. Never underestimate where it might take you. My daughter and I were able to visit Gilwell Park in England and meet Scouts from all over the world. My son’s experience in Scouts has helped him on his career path. To think, it all started with a friend mentioning they were off to Joey Scouts one night. We still make new friends in Scouts. Other people have sought us out when looking for something worthwhile for their own children. Never under-estimate the power of what your contribution or positive words could do to improve your little part of the Scout Movement.
One of the great things I get to do in my job now is plan events that reach as many Joey Scouts and their families as possible. In March, we got lots of Joey Scout Leaders together to share all the exciting things that are happening in Scouting, and to challenge them to try something new with their Units. This term, in several locations around Queensland, we are getting our Joey Scouts out and walking. They are going on a Bear Hunt!

You may also notice an abundance of Fedora hats, satchels and pretend stock whips around your Scout Dens over the next few months. The Indiana Joeys Challenge has begun, with intrepid explorers out to Discover Adventure, learning Core Skills, having fun and creating life long memories along the way.
I hope that all our Scouting Families have the opportunity to get out in the cooler months and explore our amazing country. The Joey Scouts are especially switched on to what they can discover out there. Enjoy it all!