Fundraising is the process of gathering contributions of money or other resources to support the operating costs of not-for-profit organisations.

QBSI 6.8 – Fundraising
The QBSI guidelines to be used for fundraising.
Container Recycling
Containers for Change Website
Bunnings Sausage Sizzles
Certificate of Currency
Important information
Earned vs Solicited Funds
The spirit of the Scout Association requires youth members to earn funds, not to solicit them. Funds gained from Scout Job Month, car washes, sale of lamingtons, chocolates, etc., and walkathons are seen from the point of view of Policy and Rules as earned.
Funds raised by raffles, competitions, etc., are seen as soliciting and are the responsibility of the Groups Committee and youth members should not be involved in these activities.
There are several different types of fundraising and the Formation Leader is responsible for ensuring that all local, State and National policies and legislation are followed.
Types of Fundraising
The following is a list of fundraising opportunities that Queensland Scout Groups may wish to explore:
- Container Recycling Scheme (Containers For Change)
- Sausage sizzles / Cake Stalls / Refreshments at local community events, polling stations or retail outlets (Bunnings / Masters / Anaconda / IGA / BCF)
- Car park marshaling at community events
- Sale of Entertainment Books
- Pie / Cake / Chocolate Sales
- Functions – Trivia nights / Christmas in July / Film nights
- Christmas tree sales
- Garage sales
- Sponsored walks / swims / other activities
- Den hire to not-for-profit organisations (where property lease allows)
- Drakes Community Dollars
By attending community events and building relationships with local Government representatives and businesses, Groups will not only encourage membership growth, but the profile of the Group will be raised and as a result one-off fundraising opportunities may be offered. Further opportunities for fundraising can be found on the Best Fundraising Ideas in Australia | Australian Fundraising website.
Shared Advice on Fundraising
Queensland Scout Groups have a wealth of experience in successful fundraising. The attachments here have been provided by Marsden Scout Group and contain useful tips and advice regarding organising raffles and a letter template for prize donations.
For Raffle Organisers
This document contains several useful tips.
Raffle prizes letter template
Click here to access a letter template for raffle prizes