Some time ago the Branch Executive Committee decided to set up a Constitution and Organisation Review Committee under the Chairmanship of the Honourable Glen Williams AO. As a result of the deliberations of that Committee, and the consultation processes which the Committee went through, at a Special Meeting of the Branch Council held at the Queensland Scout Centre on 8 April 2010 the Branch Council approved the new Branch Constitution. Since that time it has received approval from the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation and further amendments have been made.
SAAQ Branch Constitution v6 (with by-laws)
Approved at a Special Meeting of Branch Council on 8 April 2010
Amendment/s approved at meeting of Branch Council on 28 October 2012
Amendment/s approved at meeting of Branch Council on 27 June 2013
Amendment/s approved at meeting of Branch Council on 30 October 2014
Amendment/s approved at meeting of Branch Council on 30 June 2016
Amendment/s approved at meeting of Branch Council on 2 November 2017