Policy and Rules of The Scout Association of Australia (P & R) makes provision for the organisational and administration variations required in individual Branches of Scouts Australia.
The Queensland Branch Scouting Instructions (QBSI) provide operational direction to all Adults in Scouting, Young Adults and Youth members from the Chief Commissioner and Branch Executive Committee approved Policy effecting the delivery of Scouting.
This edition of QBSI replaces all previous editions.
All persons supporting Scouting should make themselves familiar with P&R and QBSI.
You may have noticed that certain documents from the website and other locations have started to move to a new location.
All pages will remain active on the website but the content has moved and will now contain a link to a shared folder. This is a new transitional location until a SharePoint site is finalised and launched. The folder will contain the existing documents previously found on the website such as QBSI and Forms along with the new documents to align with the Document Hierarchy Standard.
The folder is accessible only when logged in using your Office 365 credentials. Unsure about how to use 365, check out the Support Hub at https://helpdesk.scoutsqld.com.au.
The new location for all official documentation is