The year has started at high speed with Jamboree from December 27th to January 17th. Since then I have been catching up with all the groups and hearing the plans they have made for open / sign up days. It is great to see that the efforts put in over the past two years have seen the groups taking on board the processes and moving forward with planning.
Considerations before sign up
- What is the process if an enquiry is received
- Is there a standard email that can be sent with applicable variations. (A phone conversation can give a lot of information but not all will be retained. Having something in writing reinforces what they have been told and gives further friendly contact
- Are the Leaders notified that a new youth member may be attending (try CC’ing the Leaders in on the email – the Leaders can then email as well with extra information)
- Are there old newsletters that can be sent as well (this gives information on what exciting activities the sections do)
- Is an A5 application sent
- Are fee’s explained
- is the fee asked for on the first night
- Is the 6 week refund process explained
- Are the section differences explained
Considerations after the sign on days
- Who looks after the application process
- What actually happens to the application
- Are copies kept or records made at Group level and by whom
- How is the application and payment sent to branch
- Is this done in a timely manner
- Is this followed up if it doesn’t appear on the weekly formation report
- What information is given to parents and in what format
- Is there a parent information booklet
- Is there a formal discussion between the Group Leader and the new families
Having processes allows the group to function smoothly and prevent mistakes being made. If you would like copies of emails or newsletters for ideas please let me know.
Gill Hall
Region Development and Support Officer