Your role in the Youth Program Review is very important to you, the youth members and the direction Scouting will take. Before responding to the YPR surveys one needs to be informed, and this can be achieved by going to web address and watching a video of our Chief Commissioner, Kirsty Brown discussing YPR and the processes, then proceeding to web address (National), reading available documents and completing the surveys. Then go to web address and complete the surveys there.
As Joey Scout Leaders this is your opportunity to have your say, to have your input into the shaping of scouting and the format under which it will operate. Don’t waste this opportunity, find the time, read the documentation and complete the surveys.


Have you seen the amended Promise Challenge application form which is located on our Queensland Scout website. If you haven’t, have a look below to see the new format available. It is important we ensure each criteria is achieved, and I believe a Joey Scout Leader will now be able to easily record when the Joey Scout completes each of the criteria’s.JS Encompass Article October 2015

For lesser experienced Joey Scout Leaders the form sets out much clearer the criteria and provides examples of what is expected. If there is something on the form you are not sure off, ask another Joey Scout Leader or your PLA to assist. The old Promise Challenge application form is no longer available and all future applications will need to be on the new form.
Please ensure you complete the comments area providing a brief summary of how the Joey Scout went about completing each of the criteria.
Keep up the good work everyone, the Promise Challenge applications are coming in droves, evidence of how hard our Joey Scouts are working.


There are times when there is a spare moment between a game, a craft, while waiting for the next activity or just before closing parade when you want to keep the Joey Scouts busy, following are some one minute challenges you may wish to try with your Mob:

Minute Challenge

  • With a partner, Joey Scouts sit face-to-face, hands up, palm to palm. Clap right hand to right hand, left to left for a minute
  • Lie on the floor and stand up as many times as they can in sixty seconds. Keep count. As a variation, lie down, roll over, and then stand up
  • Each Joey Scout blows an inflated balloon as far as they can in a minute
  • Joey Scouts are to find the person in the room with a birthday closest to theirs. Birthday: such as 5 or 17. Be prepared. Some Joey Scouts don’t know when their birthday is. Another challenge all those with a birthday in the same month get together.

Quote – Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.…… Og Mandino

David Cruse (Kookaburra)