An open invitation is offered to Joey Scout Leaders and their Mobs for our final birthday party celebrating 25 years of Joey Scouts. The event is scheduled for Saturday 25 June 2016 at Queensland Scout Centre commencing at 12 noon and finishing at 2.00 pm. We will be running a number of bases providing games and activities which will then be followed by the cutting of the birthday cake.
For organisational purposes if you are intending to come, can you please email me the number of Leaders and youth members coming. Look forward to seeing you all there.
The theme for Brisbane Gang Show this year’s show is “SHIPWRECKED”, with performances commencing from Friday 01July 2016 at 7.30 pm through to the last performance on Saturday 09 July 2016 at 7.30 pm. Tickets can be purchased by emailing to or buy your tickets online through web address: or by calling 07 3077 6854. The Brisbane Gang Show office will be open from 9.00 am on 01 April 2016.
There are two matinees scheduled for Saturday 2nd July at 11.00 am
(Joey/Cub Scout) and 2.30pm and one matinee on Saturday 9th July 2016 at 1.00 pm.
There are times when there is a spare moment between a game, a craft, while waiting for the next activity or just before closing parade when you want to keep the Joey Scouts busy, following are some one minute challenges you may wish to try with your Mob:
Minute Challenge | Minute Challenge |
Each Joey Scout lies on the floor face down, puts his hands on the floor, and then walks up to his hands. This is followed by lying back down
Joey Scouts walk heel to toe. How far can they walk in a minute? How many steps can they take in a minute?
Use a line on the floor, masking tape about a metre apart, or table — Joey Scouts flick a button or coin and see how close they can get it to the tape or edge. | How many handshakes can they do in the time given? Let them do it with a partner, group, or the whole Mob.
Upcoming events:
25 year Joey Scout Birthday Party – Saturday 25 June 2016 at QSC – more information to follow
Gang Show – Friday 01 July 2016 to 09 July 2016. Joey Scout matinee Saturday 02 July 2016 at 1.00 pm
Joey Scout Jaunt – Saturday 06 August 2016
Skillarama – Saturday 03 September 2016
Carols In The Park – Roma Street Parklands – Saturday 03 December 2016, 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Hopalong – Saturday 18 March 2017. Theme – SPECIAL NEEDS AND REGULAR KIDS. Please note in your calendar
Quote You are never too old to set another goal or to dream – C.S. Lewis
David Cruse (Kookaburra)
Branch Commissioner Joey Scouts