A growing trend is developing where I am receiving  Promise Challenge applications on the old forms and/or are outside the criteria for receiving this award. I have also noticed a trend for Joey Scouts to remain in the Joey Scout section without appropriate approval, I will discuss each of these areas individually.

The new Promise Challenge application has been available for at least 12 months and can be found on Scouts Queensland website.It is important to use the new form as this provides statistical information which I and the office use. From Monday 19 September 2016, Promise Challenge applications sent through on the old forms will be sent back to the Joey Scout Leader and asked to resubmit on the new form.

I have received numerous applications from a number of Mobs that do not comply with the criteria for the awarding of the Promise Challenge Badge and Certificate. I felt very disappointed when I didn’t approve these applications and then advising  the Joey Scout Leader of my decision. This affects so many people, first, the Joey Scout who has put in the effort and work, the Parents, who support their Joey Scout and watch their development as they complete the necessary tasks, and then the Joey Scout Leader, who works with their charges developing them as members of the Scout movement and of the local community.

I understand, that as  Joey Scout Leaders you are very busy working with your Mobs, with your work, and with your own families, but your Joey Scouts are reliant on you as their Leader to support the completion of the Promise Challenge criteria and ensure submission of paperwork within the required time frame. For those of you that are unsure of the criteria and time frames please note and ensure compliance with the following:

The Promise Challenge

Promise challenge badgeThe aim of this challenge is to allow the older Joey Scouts to gain a greater understanding of the Promise and Law and to learn about BP and the history of Scouting. The challenge should reflect –

  • Duty to God
  • Duty to Self
  • Duty to Others

The Promise Challenge should reflect the maturity of the Joey Scouts and their greater understanding of the Promise and Law. This will require the Joey Scout to complete certain elements away from the Mob meeting. These will involve research and discussion with their parents and leaders as well as a presentation to their mob on completion of the task.

BP/Scouting History

Ask your parents for permission to use the internet, or the library to find out some information about BP and Scouting. ‘Who was BP?’ Joey Scouts have choice as to ‘writing’ about or ‘telling‘ us about information. Find out about five interesting things about BP and either write down or tell your Mob.

Some things you might like to ask about –

  • BP’s job. family, where he lived, what he did, what he was famous for, date of birth
  • How many other sections in Scouting are there? Can you name the other sections?
  • What is a Jamboree or Cuboree? You might like to ask Cubs and Scouts for help.


Duty to God

  • Why do we say a prayer at the Joey Scout meeting?
  • Write a prayer about what it means to ‘love my God‘ and share at your Mob meeting or at a Scout’s Own.


Duty to Self/Others

  • think of a way you can help another person in your community/area where you live and discuss this with your parents and Joey Scouts Leader.
  • Do your best to complete the activity you have chosen and share with your Mob and Leaders. You might like to take photos or draw pictures to keep for yourself and share with others.


The completion and presentation of the Promise Challenge Badge should occur before they turn eight (8) years old and/or link to the Cub Scout section.

The Promise Challenge badge is worn on the left sleeve.  This badge may be worn into Cub Scouts, placed in the position that the Grey Wolf Award will eventually occupy. It will be replaced when the Bronze Boomerang is earned.

The last area I want to cover is linking up and when should it occur. I have provided a copy of the information and matrix as stated in QBSI – 2.1 Youth Section – section 2.1.12 Extension Beyond Age Range,which indicates when a Joey Scout should link up and who can approve an extension and when.

2.1.12. EXTENSION BEYOND AGE RANGE Where it is desirable for a young person with a special need to continue Scouting in a Section beyond the acceptable age range of the Section, the Group Leader may grant an extension of time beyond the age range of that Section. Extensions beyond six months must be referred to the sectional Branch Commissioner. The sectional Branch Commissioner may extend the period for a further six months. If a further extension is considered necessary then the Deputy Chief Commissioner (Youth Program) is to be consulted. Group Leader in consultation with District Commissioner Branch Commissioner Deputy Chief Commissioner (Youth Program) Joey Scouts 7 ½ to 8 years 8 to 8 ½ years Beyond 8 ½ years

  Group Leader in consultation with District Commissioner Branch Commissioner Deputy Chief Commissioner (Youth Program)
Joey Scouts 7 ½ to 8 years 8 to 8 ½ years Beyond 8 ½ years

I have raised these issues for your information and, ask for your support and compliance with the rules governing the approval of the Promise Challenge Badge and Certificate, the use of the Promise Challenge application form, as well as the Linking process.

If you are require further clarification on the matters I have raised please do not hesitate in contacting me through the BC Joey Scouts email address.

Upcoming events:

Carols In The Park – Roma Street Parklands – Saturday 03 December 2016, 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm

Hopalong – Saturday 18 March 2017 at Queensland Scout Centre. Theme – SPECIAL NEEDS AND REGULAR KIDS.  Please note in your calendar

David Cruse (Kookaburra)
Branch Commissioner Joey Scouts