Que had heard from Touche’ wombat about the rigorous training that Venturer Scouts had to undergo.  When an invitation came to visit the Annual Branch Venturer Scout camp, called Camp “LUII”, she headed off to the ridges overlooking the Ewan Maddock Dam, Landsborough.  LUII stands for “Leadership”, “Unit management”, “Initiative” and “Ideals”, which are all topics covered during the 1 week camp via discussions and lectures.  Topics on the environment are also included in the camp syllabus, which consists of an environmental improvement activity at Rocky Creek Scout Camp, Landsborough.  The symbol representing the camp are the “eyes of the fly” which come from “Louie the Fly” from the Mortein insect spray advertisements.  Que caught up with some old friends and made some new ones who signed her log book and took some photos with her.