What is a Jamboree?

What is a Jamboree?

The Australian Jamboree is the largest Scouting event in Australia and whilst it is a big camp it is significantly different to what any Scout attending has experienced before.

The Jamboree will see over 8,000 Scouts and another 2,500 Venturer Scouts, Leaders and other supporters gather at Maryborough Showgrounds and Equestrian Park and create a city, larger than Maryborough itself, with all the same infrastructure (water, power etc).

Scouts live in Jamboree Units of 36 youth members and four Leaders (Jamboree Unit Leader, Unit Activity Leader, Health and Wellbeing Leader and a Unit Quartermaster). Scouts will be placed with other members of their home Unit so they will already know some Scouts in their Jamboree Unit.

Some Queensland Jamboree Units may also have youth members from overseas Contingents!

On arrival at Maryborough, Units will set up their sites (sleeping tents, dining area and cooking area) that are spread throughout the four Jamboree Sub Camps.

Daily food is delivered to each Jamboree Unit where Duty Patrols will prepare and cook meals for the whole Jamboree Unit – that’s right, Patrols are cooking for 40 people each day, three times a day!  Not like a Unit camp at home!

A Jamboree is very different to what Scouts are used to, so like all Scouts, Be Prepared for an amazing experience.

Apply to attend AJ2025 via the 26th Jamboree website: www.aj2025.com.au
or visit the Queensland Contingent website: AJ2025 QLD Continent | (scoutsqld.com.au)

Be part of this amazing experience!