Grant Application Documents & Answers

 Queensland Scout Groups wishing to apply for grant funding do so under the Auspice (sponsor) of ‘The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc.’

Internal Forms & Information

Documents Required For Funding Applications

The following documents are available from the Grants Officer –

Certificate of Incorporation
Certificate of Currency (Public Liability)
ACNC Charity Register Summary
Financial Statement for the Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc

Answers to Common Grants Questions

Queensland Scout Groups wishing to apply for grant funding do so under the Auspice (sponsor) of ‘The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc.’

A grant award is an agreement between a Funding Organisation and the Legal Entity (The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc.).

The following information may be of assistance when completing a grant application form, however, please advise the Scouts Queensland, Grants Officer of your intention to submit a grant application so the organisation is aware of its liabilities and can ensure the necessary governance arrangements are in place.


Bank Details

As the legal entity it is the Scout Association of Australia Queensland Branch Inc that will be entering into a legal agreement with the funding authority. As such all grant money should be paid into the organisation bank account and you will be advised on how the funds should be expended when the grant is awarded.

Bank Name: Westpac

Account Name: The Scout Association of Australia Queensland Branch Inc

BSB: 034 010

Account Number: 822097


Legal Entity Name

The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc.

Australian Business Number (ABN)

670 191 533 91

Individual Formations are covered by this ABN.
The ABN Lookup website provides access to publicly available information, for further details: Australian Business Number (ABN).

Entity Type

Other Incorporated Entity


The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc. was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 on 20th December 1996.

Incorporation Number
IA 17583

Charitable Status

The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and has been endorsed as a charitable institution and can access charity tax concessions.

Deductible Gift Recipient Status

The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc. is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 1 July 2000.

GST Status

The Queensland Branch Support Office is registered for GST, but individual Formations do not have GST status as they do not have an income. Queensland Branch Support Office is able to issue tax invoices to grant agencies on behalf of individual Formations so that the grant can cover the GST component of the project costs.  The organisation was registered for GST on 1 July 2000.

Income Tax Exemption

As a Charitable Institution, the Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc. is endorsed to access the income tax exemption concession.

Public Liability Insurance

The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc, is covered by public liability insurance worldwide (excl USA and Canada). The limit of liability is $50,000,000.

WorkCover Queensland

The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc. has a workers compensation insurance policy with WorkCover Queensland which covers the full amount of the employer’s liability under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003.

Contact Grants 

Please send all your grant applications & questions to  Please ensure that you have followed all of the instructions carefully.

Grants Phone 3721 5734

32 Dixon Street, Auchenflower, 4066

Contact Facilities

 For applications that affect facilities please contact the facilities team as well.

Facilities Phone 0417 835 622

32 Dixon Street, Auchenflower, 4066