18th August 2019, Woodridge

Setting up a new scout group is never easy.  A lot of work goes into training the leaders, and making sure they are confident enough to run the scout program on their own.  So, when the opportunity came to visit some new leaders of the Muslim Crescent Group at...

18th August 2019, Morningside

Matilda had heard a lot about the Outdoor Activities Scheme (OAS) and benchmarking and wanted to find out more.  She heard that a, OAS session was being held at Morningside Scout Hall by an old friend and went over to hear the presentation.  When she got there, she...

9th – 16th August 2019, Gladstone

After leaving the company of the Mackay leaders attending the 4 wheel drive course, Que headed to Port Curtis District, Gladstone.  Port Curtis district is a very old district which was first formed in 1957.  Following its formation, the district has been closed and...

24th May – 18th July 2019, Cairns

Matilda Koala had never been up to Cairns and hitched a ride with an RDSO and spent her time there with an RC.  During her stay, she attended a leader training course at Barrabadeen Campsite, and also visited some leaders.  Whilst she was there, discussions about the...