Welcome to the
Brand & Sponsorship Homepage
This page contains all of the branded resources that Scout Groups require to get started using the National Brand.
Please remember to send your artwork proofs to brandsupport@scoutsqld.com.au for approval.
Scouts Australia brand book
The new Scouts Australia branding takes us into the exciting future of Scouting. It’s how we speak to each other and those outside the Movement, the images we use and the consistency in which we tell the stories of the adventures each and every one of us experiences through Scouting. We encourage you to use our branding to promote Scouting. If we all use the brand consistently and correctly we will increase its effectiveness. Here’s how to start. If you have any queries after you’ve read the Brand Book, contact brand@scouts.com.au
Scouts Queensland
How we apply the brand
This document acts as a companion to the Scouts Australia Brand Book and contains all applications of the brand including but not limited to marquees, banners, posters, brochures, digital and scout hall signage. Please send your branding questions or requests to brandsupport@scoutsqld.com.au