Scouts Find Place to Call Home

Scouts Find Place to Call Home

Scouts Find Place to Call Home Moreton Daily News released an article about Kallangur Scouts new Den, here’s what they wrote:  “Kallangur Scouts are settling into their new home after five years of using temporary accommodation – and they can’t...

Australia Day Awards

Australia Day Awards Many local Councils present awards to deserving members of the community on Australia Day. This year we are aware of two awardees from the Scouting Community! Congratulations to Mark Cann on receiving the Young Citizen of the Year Award from...
Peak Awards

Peak Awards

Peak Awards Congratulations to the following youth members on receiving their Peak Awards: Joey Scout Challenge Award: Zoey Daniel Albany Creek Scout Group Amelie Crawford Clifton Hill Scout Group William Highton Clifton Hill Scout Group Louis Wicks Enoggera Scout...
Our Scout Youth Program

Our Scout Youth Program

Our Youth Program Scouts Australia has recently reviewed its Youth Program.  We know that being a young person in today’s world has opportunities and challenges.   Some of these are specific to the 21st Century, and some that have been around for a long time. The new...