LEAP23 Badge Design Hunt!
LEAP23 needs YOU! We have a very cool opportunity to offer the Youth in the Scout Section across QLD. LEAP23 like previously mentioned is Scouts QLD’s newest Major Event, with that we are looking for an Event Badge! LEAP23 wants to offer the ability to be Youth Lead, we want a Badge that will help create the Brand of LEAP23 to be collaborated with a Youth Member.
So LEAP23 is launching our Badge Design Hunt! We are looking for a badge that incorporates the things you love about attending Scouts. Whether that be an activity or your weekly night meetings, as long as the badge includes the below we will enter you into the Hunt.
- The Scouts QLD Logo
- The Event Name “LEAP23”
- Appropriate Art work
- Somehow including the meaning of LEAP -Leadership, Empowerment, Adventure and Patrols
- The LEAP23 newly released Logo
So if you like to draw, paint, create digital artwork LEAP23 encourages you to give it a shot- if you could create badge for LEAP23 for all participants to receive and wear on their hats what would it look like?
Simply send through your entry with your Name, Group, and Patrol to media@leap.scoutsqld.com.au. Entries close November 21 2022. The winner will work with the LEAP23’s Graphic Designer to ensure it can be used for the Event, Marketing and Branding.
LEAP23 Media Team