From the Chief Commissioner

Over the last month I have highlighted to our leaders the following topics-


COVID is widespread in South-East Queensland so please encourage the use of the usual precautions – vaccination, social distancing and mask wearing supported by good hand hygiene.


Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Her Majesty served with an incredible sense of dedication, fairness, stoicism and warmth over an amazing 70 years and during those decades had a special connection to Scouting through global patronage and assent to recognise Venturer Scouts who have completed the Peak Award as Queen’s Scout.

Mt Cotton Queen’s Scout, Cassie Bennet, and I laid a wreath at Government House and were invited into Government House to sign the condolence book. We spent 30 minutes with the Chief Scout, her Private Secretary and two aides. Cassie was asking some questions of Her Excellency and as a result was given a personal guided tour by the Chief Scout of the ground and lower-ground floors of Government House. The openness and warmth of the reception that we received from Her Excellency was lovely and underscores the relationship of our Chief Scout in her patronage of Scouts Queensland.


Agoonoree 2022

Agoonoree 2022, our 41st Agoonoree has been successful with 400 people under canvas. There are 26 guests from a variety of backgrounds attending.


Jamboree on the Air – Jamboree on the Internet, better known as JOTA-JOTI, is the world’s largest digital and radio Scout event. Scouts and Guides come together online and over the airwaves to promote better connections and global citizenship. Each year millions of young people take part in exciting activities that foster intercultural communication and friendship using amateur radio and the internet.

The first JOTA took place in 1958 and the first JOTI in 1997.

In 2022, JOTA-JOTI takes place from 14 to 16 October. The dynamic programme comprises a variety of non-formal education activities, including webinars, global campfires, talent shows, live shows, fun challenges and more through an interactive 3D campsite. JOTA-JOTI aims to support young people of all ages to learn about communications technology, the values of global citizenship, and their role in creating a better world.


I have written about respect a number of times, but I need to again.

Whilst the ‘Youth Leading, Adults Supporting’ is one of the strong mantras from the new Youth Program, it is not a conceptual change to the way in which the Youth Program is delivered.  The most significant change in the balance between youth leadership and adult leadership happens in the Cub Scout and Scout Sections.

The new Youth Program has identified a broader range of opportunities where ‘Youth Leading, Adults Supporting’ can be outworked.

‘Youth Leading, Adults Supporting’ does not in any way diminish the critical role that adults, especially Leaders play in the delivery of the Youth Program and have played for many, many years. We have a good number of adults who have contributed to our Movement over an extended period and that needs to be celebrated.

This brings me to the issue of respect. Our Scout Promise, The Scout Law, our Code of Ethics, our Values all champion respect as a foundational element of Scouting.

I hope that ‘Youth Leading, Adults Supporting’ is not being seen as a licence to denigrate the value of long serving Adult Members.


Risk Management rationale explaining the changes coming
Underlying the altered risk management approach that is being brought into Scouts Queensland is the concept of managing risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). Risk is present in everything that we do. For example, there are risks associated with walking down the street and travelling in a motor car. We manage those risks by following road rules, by looking each way before seeking to cross the road, by not walking and simultaneously studying the screen of a smart phone.

To eliminate risk would involve ridiculous measures – wrapping oneself in bubble wrap, not associating with other people, minimising travel, having your food tested etcetera.

The Event Advice and Approval form C5 is a fundamental control within Scouting in Queensland. It is focused on adventurous and overnight activities and allows the approver to review and authorise an activity or event.

The C5 has a lot of detail on the reverse side which if handled in a separate document, will simplify the form.

The notes on the reverse side of the C5 requires the submission of supporting risk assessments.


Passing of my father Frederick M Scott OAM  
Over the past weeks, my attention has been focused on the decline in the health of my father, his passing and then organising of his funeral and burial.

I have been buoyed by the support from within the Scouting community primarily from people who knew Dad in the various Scouting roles that he fulfilled over the 50 years that he was associated with Scouting.
I particularly appreciated the flowers and attendance by so many people from the Scouting community in uniform at his funeral. Thanks!

It is at times like this that you really appreciate the extent and warmth of the Scouting family.