Gone Home

Scouts Queensland offers our support to the families of those that have “gone home”.

Merrill Ovenden OAM (December 2024)

A great Scouter and a wonderful lady – After a recent fall, a long-time member of Scouts Queensland, Merril Ovenden OAM passed away just prior to Christmas. Merrill gave over 48 years of service to Scouting in Queensland, in the South Area, Redlands District, Birkdale Scout Group and many other Branch Activities.

Her roles included an Assistant Cub Scout Leader, Cub Scout Leader, District Cub Scout Leader, Area Leader, Joey Scout Leader, Assistant Group Leader, Activity Leader, and Group Leader across her 48 years of service. She also was a most effective personal Leader adviser supporting many new adult leaders. Her passion was training about the history and fundamentals of Scouting.

Merrill attended 13 Australian Jamborees and 1 World Scout Jamboree.

For her Service Merrill was awarded the Certificate of Good Service (1983), Medal of Merit (1991), Bar to the Medal of Merit (1997) and the Silver Kangaroo (2002).

In 2024 Merrill was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM).

Merrill provided dedicated service to Redlands Revue (from 1978), Brisbane Gang Show (from 1987) and Wonargo Revue (2007). Merrill was instrumental in the early development of the Queensland Agoonoree where she provided service over42 years.

This lovely lady has Gone Home – where she will reunite with her Husband Rob.

Margaret (Marg) Manthey (November 2024)

Marg was very dedicated to the Beaudesert Scout Group in her roles as Support Member, Assistant Scout Leader and Group Leader. She was passionate about the benefits that scouting brought to the youth.

Marg maintained great working relationships with local community organisations and community leaders and held a firm belief that we should work together within the community rather than in isolation. She will be greatly missed.

Robert (John) McMeekin (November 2024)

John gave 16 years service to Scouting with Parakoola Scout Group (Darling Downs Region) serving as Assistant Scout Leader from 1983 to 1984, then Scout Leader 1984 to 1987 and then Rover Adviser 1987 to 1999.  


He will be dearly missed for his sons and daughter and the many Scouts and Rover Scouts he mentored over the years.

John ‘Hippo’ Morrison (September 2024)

It is with much sadness that we announce, after a long battle with dementia, John “Hippo” Morrison passed away on Thursday 26 September.

John served for over 60 years in Scouting as both a youth and adult member. He was a long-serving Group Leader in both Mitchelton and Grovely-Mitchelton Scout Group and with his wife Wilma, was also a member of the Heritage Team for 15 years and was a regular guide at the Heritage Centre. Hippo assisted at many Cuborees and Jamborees, was a member of the Brisbane Gang Show Catering team from 1991-1999 and was well known across Scouting in Queensland.

Stuart McIntosh (September 2024)

Stuart dedicated almost 20 years to Scouting in a number of leadership and support roles.

He first joined Scouts in 2005 as a Scout Leader with Kallangur Scout Group. He was also Venturer Scout Leader, Assistant Group Leader and Group Leader Kallangur. Stuart then moved into a District role with Murrumba District for a number of years. Most recently he was Scout Leader at Dayboro and then moved to Venturer Scout Leader to enable the new Venturer Scout Unit at Dayboro. In addition to his leadership roles, Stuart was Stage Crew for Wonargo Revue and Brisbane Gang Show for a number of years. He received his 15 year Long Service Award in 2021. 

Stuart was always willing to go above and beyond to support the youth under his wing and was a true embodiment of the Scout Promise “To do my best”.

Joan Baker-Winn (July 2024)

Joan Baker-Winn passed away on Saturday 20 July 2024. Joan was a member of Scouting for 21 years starting as a Joey Scout Leader at Dayboro Scout Group remaining there for a number of years, before transitioning to the Treasurer’s position, Executive Committee, Murrumba District. Joan loved and had passion for Joey Scout Jaunt ensuring her attendance each year to help at the event. Heritage was Joan’s passion, finally moving to a role at the Murrumba District Heritage Museum. A valued member of the District, Museum and Joey Scout Jaunt Team she will be sorely missed.

David Roberts (July 2024)

A Great Scout and Masonic Brother – After some years of sickness, a long-time member of Scouts Queensland, David Roberts passed away this week. David gained his Queens Scout Award in 1972 and gave 38 years of service to Scouts Queensland as a Leader and Adult Member. His roles included Branch Commissioner International, Chairman of the Branch Supply (Scout Shop) Committee, Assistant Region Commissioner, and member of Branch Executive and Branch Council. He worked the 13th Australian Jamboree at Collingwood Park in 1982/83 and the 16th World Jamboree in Sydney in 1987/88 and was awarded the Silver Koala in 2001. David was also a proud member of the Baden-Powell Masonic Lodge UGLQ 505 for 42 years being initiated with the First Degree in 1982. He served as Worshipful Master in 1990/91 and worked tirelessly for the Board of Benevolence and was awarded the highest award for benevolence – OSB (Outstanding Service to Benevolence) in 2022.  He remained an active member until his passing.

Noel Wain (June 2024)

Noel had a long association with Scouts with nearly 30 years volunteering in a number of roles.

For 10 years he was with Woodridge Scout Group as a Cub Scout Leader and Group Leader, with a further 20 years in the District as a District Advisor, District Commissioner and Assistant District Commissioner.

Noel was awarded the Certificate of Merit in 1998, a Silver Wattle in 2003 and a Silver Koala in 2014.

A brief testimony provided by a former District Commissioner:

‘Noel was always willing to lend a hand and give up any time when it came to scouting. His favourite saying – was ‘I got nothing’ when in fact – he had a lot to say. He had an infectious laugh and always made everyone feel welcome and part of the family.’

Angus Chalmers (February 2024)

Angus commenced his Scouting service in 1954 as an Assistant Scout Master (Seniors) with Ashgrove Scout Group and later as District Commissioner for Garraboo District. He was appointed Branch Commissioner for Venturer Scouts from 1983 to 1990, followed by Branch Commissioner for Rover Scouts from 1991 to 1994. He is fondly remembered for his great sense of humour and adventurous spirit; both of which he included in the Scout program and activities. He put the “Adventure into Venturing” with the activities he organised such as the 14 day Venturer Challenges to Hinchinbrook Island from 1986 to 1990. He was in charge of Transport at the 1982/83 Collingwood Park Jamboree, and the Queensland Branch Liaison Officer for the 16th World Jamboree 1988 in Sydney. He was awarded the Medal of Merit in 1987.

Manfred Douglas Cross (February 2024)

Manfred commenced in Scouting as a Wolf Cub in 1940 with the Bardon Scout Group, then a Scout, Cub Instructor, and Assistant Scoutmaster attending a number of early Australian Jamborees in the 1950s. He also served as the Secretary to the organising committees at the 1951 Fraser Island Adventure and the 1958 Greenbank Corroboree.

He was elected to the Commonwealth Parliament in 1961 serving until his retirement in 1990. Whilst in Parliament he assisted with the formation of the Baden-Powell Fellowship in the Commonwealth Parliament.

Manfred became a member of Scouts Queensland Branch Council in 1982, and then President from 1991 until 2010. He served Scouting at Group, and Branch and National Council levels for over 58 years and was awarded the National President’s Award in 1996, the Silver Kangaroo in 2000, and was awarded made an Honorary Life Membership in 2008.  

Keith Francis Myatt (January 2024)

Many would know Keith for his work as the caretaker and later Campsite Manager at Allawah. In civilian life Keith was an Overseer at the Ipswich Railway Workshops.  After retirement he had more time for his campsite and family. 

He started scouting at Silkstone Scout Group where his sons were enrolled and was the Chairman there seven and a half years. In 1978 he became the caretaker at Allawah and he was the third and longest serving caretaker at Allawah.  Keith served until 2021 when due to his age (85) he felt he could no longer continue to properly manage the campsite. He retired after 43 years as the caretaker and over 50 years’ service to the movement. He still liked to keep an eye on scouts camping and stayed up-to-date with the happenings on site.

Keith is survived by his wife, sons and many grandchildren.

Len Hine (Lennie) (December 2023)

Len Hine, passed away on the 3 December 2023.  A Tablelands local all his life, Len started ASA Cub Scout in 1956 and was a youth member through Scouts and Venturers with Mareeba South Scout Group. While a Venturer Scout Len was also a very active a Cub Scout instructor. 

In 1966 Len commenced his first adult leadership role, signing up as a Cub Scout leader in Edge Hill group.  Three years later he moved back to Mareeba taking on the Scout section and then became the leader of the Mareeba Venturer Scout unit. Lennie was very passionate about building a strong Venturer Scout presence in the region.

For over 12 years he maintained a strong unit and was heavily involved in Adventurous Activities programs to keep his Venturer Scouts very active. One of his enduring legacies is the establishment of Venturer Scout Cove at Camp Barrabedeen. His love of the local campsite and Venturer Scouts lead to a dedicated area being developed for the Venturers Scout of the region, this endures today and will into the future.

Len and Gwen moved into the cottage at Barrabadeen in the early 2000s as the Caretakers and guided onsite development of the campsite over the next 15 years. They then moved to a support role on site, staying on at Barrabadeen until about 2020 in a variety of roles including on site caretakers and general support of various projects around the campsite.

All together Len gave approximately 39 years of service to scouting in the Far North and was Awarded the Silver Wattle for his service to Venturers Scouts in 1998.

Cynthia May Cronin (December 2023)

Cynthia was a member of the Baden Powell Guild of Australia Darling Downs Subbranch up until her death. We offer our sympathy to David, Cynthia’s husband, and Michel their son in Melbourne and Patricia their daughter in the UK.

Cynthia was born in Margate Kent UK on 1 March 1932. During Cynthia’s life she Scouted in many parts of the world. David and Cynthia often told stories of their family life together travelling the world during David’s military service. Cynthia did a Cub Scout Stage 1 course on 27 September 1952. Cynthia signed up as Group Leader at Oakey 22 October 1990.

Many people within and outside the Darlng Downs Region will have known Cynthia as the Chief Cook at many Scout Leader training courses held at Wirraglen Campsite and Training Ground.

Cynthia May Cronin was awarded the Silver Acorn in 1991 and the Silver Kangaroo on Founders Day 22 February 2003 for her fine service to scouting.  A life devoted to scouting from the age of twenty years until the approach to her ninety second birthday.

Dianne Randerson 'Di' (October 2023)

Di commenced Scouting in 1979 as the Group Leader of Kenmore South Scout Group, and later transferred to District Leader and then District Commissioner for Tyakunda District.  She was also appointed Branch Commissioner Public Relations for 3 years, and in 1995 accepted the role of Group Leader Scoutreach Lones serving in this role for 17 years.

During this time, Di organised the annual Scoutreach Lones camp at Baden-Powell Park which was a huge highlight for the many country Scouts and Leaders who attended.  Di also attended the World Jamboree in Sydney in 1988 and three Australian Jamborees, including serving as the Qld Contingent Executive Officer at the 1992 Ballarat Jamboree.  Di gave 35 years’ service to Scouting and was award the Silver Kangaroo in 2012

John Briggs 'Vis' (September 2023)

John commenced his Scouting life as a Cub Scout in England and later served as a fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force during WW2.  

When he came to Australia in 1950, he signed up as a Leader in Victoria. John moved to Queensland in 1955 where he started a Senior Scout Troop at the St. Lucia Group and changed to Group Scout Master.  He held a number of Scouting roles in Queensland Branch, Brisbane North Area and Tyakunda District and was also appointed as a member of the Training Team.

At the 8th Australian Jamboree in 1967/68 at Jindalee, he was the Assistant Jamboree Camp Chief, heading up the Works and Services team.  John was Troop Leader at the 11th Australian Jamboree 1976/77 at Rossmoyne Park, Dandenong, Victoria.

Whilst an Assistant Scout Master at St Lucia in 1971 with Scout Master Bryan Brown, the Troop trialled the Design for Tomorrow Scout Section program review.

In later years John was the Secretary for Tyakunda District.  He gave 53 years of Service and was awarded the Silver Acorn for his services to Scouting.

Judith (Judy) Seymour (August 2023)

Judy commenced her Scouting in 1955 as an Assistant Lady Cub Master in New Zealand for two years, and in 1981 she returned to Scouting as an Assistant Cub Leader with Redcliffe Scout Group. 

Judy was always interested in the environment and the Eprapah Environmental Education Centre. She was appointed Branch Commissioner for Environmental Education in 2000 to 2015 when she changed role to Branch Advisor Chaplaincy Support whilst remaining as a member of the Eprapah Scout Fellowship.  

Judy is also fondly remembered for the Story Telling Workshops that she initiated and ran for Leaders. Judy gave 43 years active service to Scouting. Her knowledge and passion for Scouting and the environment has been shared through the teams she established, led and supported to promote environmental education.

In 2015 her service was recognised when she was awarded the Silver Kangaroo.

Lord Michael Baden-Powell (July 2023)

Michael’s unwavering dedication to Scouting was evident in his deep passion for attending Scouting events and engaging directly with Scout Groups during Section nights or special occasions. He believed that by immersing himself at the grassroots level, he could make the most meaningful impact on the movement he believed in.

Michael’s love for Scouting radiated brightly through his infectious smile and the sparkle in his eyes. His genuine joy for the Scouting experience touched the hearts of Scouts around the globe, and his absence will be keenly felt by all members of the Scouting community.

Len Greer (July 2023)

Len commenced his Scouting service in 1966 as the Group Scout Master with 1st Bundaberg Scout Group, transferring to Group Scout Master at The Gap Scout Group in 1968.  In 1973 he was appointed Assistant District Commissioner of Taylor Range District, then District Commissioner in 1977 – he served in these roles until 1989.  Len was awarded the Medal of Merit in 1986, and the 20 years Service award was awarded in 1987.  In 1977 Len was responsible for the preparation of the large bonfire at Mount Coot-tha for celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s Silver Jubilee.

Meredith Lore (July 2023)

We are sad that Meredith, one of our great and long serving volunteers, passed away yesterday after a long illness. Meredith “Akela” was a Cub Scout Leader for 30 years at St Johns Wood Scout Group from 1977 to 2007 and trained hundreds of young people in leadership and resilience. She gave her time generously to deliver great camps, outings and weekly programs with flair and a passion for enjoying life to the full with a dose of irreverence. She was awarded the Silver Wattle and Silver Koala for her service to Scouting. She is survived by husband Greg “Digger”, also a long serving volunteer leader at our Scout group and daughter Jordan.

Nicola Maree Bretag (June 2023)

We are saddened by the news that Nicola “Nikki” Bretag, Assistant Cub Scout Leader at Parkwood Heights Scout Group, has passed away.

Nikki has volunteered with Scouts for eight years and was greatly appreciated for the work she did. Our thoughts are with her family.

Hayden Nightingale-Smith (May 2023)

It is with deep sadness that Highfields Scout Group has advised of the sudden passing of Hayden (Louie), Rover Scout and former Assistant Cub Leader.

Aged eight Hayden joined Crows Nest Cub Scouts in December 2006, joining the Darling Downs Revue and achieving his Grey Wolf Award in 2008, advanced up to Scouts in 2009 and went to Venturer Scouts in 2013. In June 2016 Hayden became a Crows Nest Rover Scout and in 2020 transferred to Highfields Rover Scouts and remained a member there.

Hayden was always willing to help others in Scouts including doing some work at Wirraglen Campsite and for the past couple of years has been the driver of the Scouts award winning Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers Parade float.

Our sympathy goes out to Hayden’s family who have all taken an active part in Scouting during his life.

Peter Clifford (April 2023)

Peter took on the job of Archer District Treasurer for just 12 months to help out a new District Commissioner establish a District Executive. After 19 plus years he decided to retire from the position of Treasurer.

Peter was awarded a Thanks Badge in 1996 and a Silver Wattle in 2001.

Rosemary McGinn (March 2023)

Rosemary and her husband Allan (who passed away in 2015) were part of the team who set up and manned the Scouting History base at the Collingwood Park Jamboree in 1982/83, and the subsequent establishment of the Baden-Powell Scout Museum (now our Heritage Centre).

They both then continued to serve on the Heritage Service Team and as Museum Guides for many years. Rosemary made a huge contribution to Scouts Queensland Heritage and was a special guest at this year’s recent Baden-Powell Masonic Lodge Founders event.

John Edmondson (March 2023)

John was an adult member with the John Oxley District and was awarded a Silver Koala in 1998.