What we’ve been up to!

Stafford Scout Group

Stafford Scout Group joined together with The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) River Haven to give youth members an exciting experience.
The SCA, or Society for Creative Anachronism Inc., is a family-friendly, non-profit, educational organisation whose aims include recreating the arts and crafts of the pre-17th century world.  They get together, learn all sorts of skills and crafts from cooking to fighting and everything in between, and have a good time doing it. 
They were excited to join with Stafford Scouts and hold an educational Medieval Event on Saturday 30 November.  All sections were welcomed to this event, there was craft demonstrations, archery with blunts, axe throwing and fighting practice for youth members to participate in.

Morayfield Joey Scouts

This term Joey Scouts from Morayfield Scout Group have been collecting donations of wrapping paper and tape for the Kids in Care Foundation. Their goal was 100 rolls of wrapping paper and 60 rolls of tape. They did an amazing job and collected 161 rolls of wrapping paper and 122 rolls of tape. We had Mark Ryan MP, District Commissioner (Stephen Bryant) and the ladies from the Kids in Care Foundation come to collect the handover. The items will be used for the toys that have already been donated and will allow them to spend more money on toys. We also donated a pile of blankets and pillows. 
The Morayfield Joey Scouts have already been asked to help next year too and the Kids in Care Foundation will keep in touch. This has been a great success for the youth members.

Mount Gravatt South Scout Group

35 Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts from Mount Gravatt South Scout Group sang Christmas carols at a local Aged Care Home.

Ormeau Scout Group

Ormeau Scout Group celebrated last week the investing of a large number of new Scouts, including 11 Joey Scouts (10 of which were from the Jump into Joeys program), 2 Scouts and a new Cub Scout Leader with support from District Commissioner, Assistant Region Commissioner, Region Leader – Cubs and Branch Commissioner – Joeys.  After which we had a sausage sizzle and Jump into Joeys cake!

Community Leaders of the Future

On the weekend of 15-17 November 2024, five Darling Downs Venturer Scouts attended and participated in a Venturer Leadership Course at the Region’s training facility, Wirraglen at Highfields.

For one participant, it was one of the final tasks for him to complete his King’s Scout Peak Award.

It was a full and intense weekend where participants dived into the depths of leadership, planning, organisation, time management, goal setting, decision making and much more. One of the highlights from the participants point of view was planning and participating in a formal dinner, a first for them all. At the wrap up of the course, the course catering received a big tick with the roast dinner the best they have ever had on camp.

All the Venturer Scout’s contribution during the course was exceptional and they have learnt and developed skills that will be useful in their adult lives.

Special thanks to the course leaders from Warwick Scout Group and Highfields Scout Group and the catering team.

ASA Presentation – Ted

The Chief Commissioner and a number of other Commissioners, Leaders (District, Group and Unit), youth and parents who belong to the Sir Leslie Wilson District attended the Australian Scout Award presentation for Ted from Everton Park Scout Group. BRAVO