Matilda heard lots of stories about what Gang Show Technical team did from one of the leaders who attended a recent Advanced Training Course.  She wanted to see more of what they did, so she hitched a ride to the Brisbane Gang Show Barn at Doomben.  At the location, Matilda met members of the technical team who were fiddling around with lighting equipment, or busy having their fish and chips dinner.  Most of them had come straight from work.  The “barn” was a treasure throve of equipment, Matilda saw rows of shelves, like in Bunnings, of lighting and sound equipment, flys and props.  There were also lots of little side annexes where equipment was tested and repaired.  The Barn had moved to its present location for 10 years ago, from Hamilton Scout Den (since demolished).  Matilda got to be a star under a “spotlight”, and have the team sign her logbook.  Matilda was also told that Scout Groups could also arrange to visit the “Brisbane Gang Show Barn” to learn how the technical equipment worked.