We know Scouting is great fun but sometimes young people need to be reminded of what is acceptable behaviour. An effective way of doing this is for each Unit to establish its own Unit Code.
The Unit Code represents the “group norms” of the Unit. This is a common understanding of what is specifically expected of everyone within the Unit in terms of behaviour and attitude. It’s important to make sure the Unit Code involves direct input from the Scouts in your Unit.
This will help ensure that the Scouts are committed to and understand the content of the code. The code should be reviewed on a regular basis, normally once or twice a year. It’s best to do this as an activity in Patrols, and is a great opportunity to tie in activities exploring the meaning behind the Scout Promise and Law.
The Unit Code will consist of a short list of positive statements the Unit agrees to live by. The Unit Code should be understood by all and mean something to everyone in the Unit. It helps make your Scouting environment adventurous, fun, challenging, and inclusive for all!
It should be mutually agreed by the young people together with the adult leadership team. This ensures shared ownership and understanding, and means that it is more likely to be remembered and followed.
In the younger sections, it can be helpful if the adult leaders have a consistent of the necessary components that need to be included in the Unit Code; those to ensure health, well-being and safety.
This process provides a great opportunity to plan> do>review> and explore the Promise or Law; and the Values of Scouting. It is also worth exploring with the youth, the benefits of having set standards of behaviour, for example, activities can be better planned, run and be safe, challenging and more enjoyable.
Harmony Week in March each year provides a great opportunity to review> the Unit Code of Conduct.
Remember: Good Unit Codes
- Are concise and accessible to all
- Use positive language, focusing on what members should do, rather than what they should not
- Are created and agreed by the scouts
- Use simple age appropriate language
- Are reviewed at least annually
- Always stick together and stick up for each other
- Treat others how we would like to be treated
- Be nice and act respectful to others
- Respect our fellow Scouts, PL’s, APL’s and Leaders
- No bullying or cyber bullying and report Bullying to the Leader or adult
- Don’t laugh or tease people about their differences
- Scouts share
- Are responsible for our actions
- Always act in a safe manner
- Do not give Scouting a bad name
Base all our behaviours and attitudes on the Scout Promise and Law
Respect all people in Scouting- youth, adults and general public
Respect community and public property
Recognise the PL and APL have the responsibility and authority to direct activities
Stick up for others if they are being attacked
Minimise swearing as it offends others
Use mobile phones only when essential