This month we need to think about the 2020 Operational Plan for Scouts Queensland. Our Vision is that by 2020, Scouts Queensland will be Queensland’s leading educational youth movement, enabling 13,000 young people to be active citizens creating positive change in their communities based on shared values.

The Mission for Scouting in Queensland is to extend to every community the opportunity to deliver Scouting using the Fundamental Principles, Educational Methods and adventurous activities to develop self-reliant, supportive and committed people.

We believe that Scouting changes lives, which is why we want every young person in Queensland to have the opportunity to be involved.

How will we continue to grow?

Do you need to develop a new strategy for opening new Groups and Sections; ensuring all Groups have at least three or four sections? Do you need to improve retention between, and within, sections? A high quality program is key to growth, can you ensure that your programs meet the section objectives as the new National Youth Program will not be launched until approximately 2018.

Do you recruit new volunteers by reinforcing messages around flexible volunteering, targeting key groups such as parents and former youth members, and reaching out to 18–25 year olds? Your Group Leader must work with you to ensure young members are not being lost between, or within, Sections and that you are delivering an amazing program.


  • We need to remove barriers to participation.
  • Scouting must be present and sustainable in the most deprived parts of the Queensland.
  • Scouting will continue to welcome disabled, refugees, indigenous and minority ethnic members.
  • Scouting should be seen as open to people from all backgrounds by the general public.
  • How will you become more inclusive?
  • Do you need to undertake development work and leverage support from key opinion formers to ensure Scouting is present and sustainable in the most deprived areas of the Queensland?
  • Do you support volunteers to identify and remove barriers to Scouting?
  • We must improve the diversity of volunteers in senior leadership positions in Districts, Regions and Branch.
  • Does this mean your Group or District will need support from the Branch for fundraising and public affairs, identify an area of deprivation and develop a plan to ensure Scouting is present and sustainable there.
  • Please ensure that all young people feel welcome regardless of their faith, gender or background. Equally, money should not be a barrier to joining Scouting.
  • Talk about positive Scouting experiences and mention the different kinds of people you meet at Scouts.