A message from WOSM World Scout Committee Chairperson and WAGGGS World Board Chair

During the past three years, the leadership of WAGGGS and WOSM have been undertaking a fruitful dialogue and collaboration. Following the good discussions held in the WAGGGS-WOSM Consultative Committee, there have been many opportunities for us to work together in terms of influencing decision-makers, participation in youth events, celebration of World Thinking Day on 22 February and exchange of resources and materials. All this has been done in a very positive and friendly spirit between two organisations who share so many elements of their history.

We are often asked about the relationship between our two great organisations.
We are making this joint statement between WAGGGS and WOSM now to explain the importance of the work that we do – both as individual organisations and collaboratively as the global Guide and Scout movement – for all young people, everywhere.

It is with great pleasure that we now share a joint statement, which sets out our combined vision for working together in the future. Through this joint statement,
we renew our commitment towards empowering young men and women through our unique type of non-formal education, setting them up with life skills that will help them to face current and future realities. And we hope to provide a framework for collaboration not only between the two world organisations, but also between the national associations they represent – in a way that respects our differences and the particular contexts in which we operate.

In the coming years, as partners, we will continue work together closely while respecting our diversity to advocate and promote peace, active citizenship, volunteering and sustainable development for young people around the world. Because by working together, we can be a stronger force for young women and men everywhere. You may download the WAGGGS WOSM joint statement

It has been our great pleasure to serve our inspiring organisations in our current roles over recent years. As we prepare to pass the baton on to the next team, we feel great hope and optimism for the role that young people everywhere can play in building a better world.

Thank you for all your support, we wish you all the best for the future.

Yours in Guiding and Scouting,

João Armando Gonçalves
WOSM World Scout Committee Chairperson

Nicola Grinstead
WAGGGS World Board Chair