Every Scouts Queensland Adult Leader and Helper will be invited to participate in the final volunteer engagement survey. Participating in this research is invaluable for Scouts QLD and you can win prizes to do fun activities with your Scouts group.


Two years ago, the Scouts Branches across Australia partnered up with a research team from the University of Western Australia to find ways to attract and retain more adult volunteers to deliver Scouts youth programs. As you no doubt already know, bringing in new and retaining current volunteers is essential for Scouts to continue to deliver quality youth programs. It is, however, challenging for Scouts to attract and retain a sufficient number of volunteers. That is why we would like to use your ideas, opinions and experiences to help Scouts improve the experience for all volunteers.

The annual volunteer survey of the past two years were a great success thanks to many volunteers sharing their experiences and motivation. Based on your responses we informed all Scouts branches about ways to improve the volunteer experience. This is the final phase of the project and, as such, your final chance to share your opinions and experiences. Therefore, we would like to ask for your input for one more time. What motivates you to volunteer for Scouts and what can be improved?


This final volunteer engagement survey will commence shortly. We would like to urge you to participate, because more information will allow the research team to make better recommendations that allow Scouts to continue flourishing. The most important aspect of this project is getting opinions from as many volunteers as possible. So, in addition to completing the questionnaires yourself, please encourage your fellow volunteers to do the same! Please talk to other volunteers about the project and encourage them to participate too.


If you agree to complete the questionnaires, we can provide you with personalised feedback on your motivation and personality. For example, if you complete a personality questionnaire, we can tell you how you scored and give you some information about what your scores mean.

Additionally, we will give away prizes: Two $250 Woolworths group gift cards for group activities to two Scouts Groups with a high participation percentage!


For more information, please visit the project website here where you can meet the research team and find the results of previous surveys. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the research team directly via scoutsresearch-psy@uwa.edu.au.

Thank you very much for your support!