Environment Activities
Caring for the Environment
The Queensland Branch Environment Team has been running activities and programs for over 32 years. We aim to help Leaders provide Youth Members with an appreciation for the environment.
Caring for the Environment
Today the world is facing many more environmental challenges than when Scouting started; therefore it is crucial to keep the environment central to Scouting and to ensure that Scouts are a positive force for change.
Every year, Scouts across Australia organise and participate in a huge number of environmental activities including erosion prevention works, energy and water saving projects, wildlife monitoring projects, tree plantings and environmental training courses. Many Scout Groups are also involved with national events such as Clean Up Australia Day.
‘A Scout cares for the environment’ will be familiar to all involved in Scouting, as an integral part of our Scout Law and Promise.
Environmental education, an appreciation of nature and the great outdoors, forms an important part of the Scouting program.
The Queensland Branch Environment Education Team assist Youth members to achieve Scouting badges and Leaders to achieve knowledge and skills in running activities to include environmental themes in their programs.
Environment Education
2024 Environment Calendar
Joey Scouts: Champion for Nature (4hours) – age-appropriate activities gaining two SIA Environment badges or one SIA Environment badge and one SIA Creating a Better World badge – 10.00am – 3.00pm
Cub Scouts: WOSM Badge – Champions of Nature Challenge (4 hours) also gain one SIA Environment badge – 10.00am – 3.00pm
Scouts: WOSM Badge – Champions of Nature Challenge (5 hours) – 10.00am – 3.00pm
Venturer Scouts: WOSM Badge – Champions of Nature Challenge (5 hours) – 10.00am – 3.00pm
For program information please contact: eprapahscene@scoutsqld.com.au
Environment Education Fees:
- Joey Scouts and Cub Scouts $12 each
- Scouts and Venturer Scouts $13 each
PLEASE NOTE: A campsite fee also applies to Scouts and Leaders, currently $4.00pp for Joey Scouts and WOSM Badges.
SIA ‘Environment’
- Scout: (8 hours) Environment Education Fee $16 plus campsite fee of $7.00pp, completed in one day.
For bookings please go to: https://camping.scoutsqld.com.au
Scroll down to Eprapah Campsite and choose Environmental Education and make a booking/reservation.
Day visitors: please bring; lunch, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent and have closed in shoes.

Joey Scout Activities
- Pond dipping, to find aquatic animals and any pollution
- Conserving natural resources with a game ‘Don’t waste a drop’
- Informative talk on caring for the environment – Joey Scouts Care and Share including an activity based on water, energy, food
- Bushwalk to include activities; ‘Save the Frogs’; Hunt the colours in nature’; leaf collecting to make a print
- Discussion on -why do we need clean air and clean water?
- Craft to introduce the concept of how frogs can move, do they ‘hop’ or ‘jump’ – by making a jumping frog and using them to test the theory.

Cub Scout Activities
- Pond dipping and creature survey
- Bushwalk to discover some of the native species of plants and animals in differing habitats
- ‘Story of Eprapah Creek’; discussion on healthy water, healthy body
- Ways to make a smaller impact on the environment
- Climate change chatter-box

Scout Activities
- An aquatic survey for biodiversity; water quality in natural systems (healthy waterways)
- bushwalk including vegetation types; ‘Story of Eprapah Creek’
- Pressures on waterways (pesticides)
- Weed-bust non-native (introduced) weeds
- Tread lightly on the planet (to reduce personal consumption)
- Climate decisions relay game

Venturer Scout Activities
- Bio-diversity survey in fresh water environment, water quality (indicator of suitability for the growing of crops and for fresh water bio-diversity)
- Walk through various habitats and observe vegetation types
- An introduction to Revegetation Project – role of trees and weed bust
- My carbon Footprint (contribute to sustainability by reducing your environmental footprint)
- Opportunity to evaluate the day’s activities.

Online Booking Coming Soon
Contact bc.environment@scoutsqld.com.au to book today!
Scout and the Sustainable Development Goals
SDG Activities

Can You Spare a Drop? Measuring Fresh Water
The Goal of SDG 6 is to: Ensure availabilty and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
This activity highlights the scarcity of useable/available freshwater and indicates why it’s important to take actions in line with the targets of SDG 6 to ensure clean water for all.

Scouts go Solar & Den Energy Audit
Renewable energies are those that can be renewed or regenerated naturally, used without a time limit. Energy is a dominant contributor to climate change.
Think globally and act locally to live sustainable lives by taking action to reduce these negative impacts.

Sticky Leaves
An air pollutant is any unwanted substance or chemical that contaminates the air that we breathe resulting in a decline in air quality. Air pollutants have sources that are both natural and human.
This activity helps make air pollution ‘visible’ and easier for Scouts to understand.

Protecting Our Waterways from Litter
Healthy oceans and seas are essential to our existence. They cover 70% of our planet and we rely on them for food, energy and water. One of the main dangers to our oceans is pollution. Ask the Scouts what are some of the causes of pollution in our oceans and streams. How does litter get into our oceans and waterways?