From the Chief Commissioner

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great month!  

Outdoors Queensland Awards 2023

We are very excited that Scouts Queensland is a finalist in two categories in the Outdoors Queensland Awards for 2023. Nominees were Scouts Queensland Agoonoree and our Adventurous Activities Team. Winners are on announced on 27 October, so fingers crossed!  

Farewell to Ryan Sodziak Operations Manager

This month we said farewell to Ryan Sodziak our Projects and Operations Manager. Ryan had been an employee of Scouts Queensland for over 18 yearsRyan has been great support to four different Chief Commissioners and led his Branch Support Office team to deliver qualityWhilst Ryan is leaving as an employee, he remains a uniformed member and continues as the Chief Director for AJ2025We take this opportunity to thank Ryan for his support, dedication and commitment to Scouts Queensland and wish him every success in the future. 


Can I highlight the opportunity of AJ2025. EOIs for the Jamboree are now open and we would love for you and your young person to consider expressing interest in attending what will be a great event, now only 15 months away. As I have indicated previously it is critically important that we encourage as many youth members and adults as possible to attend. The intent is to provide the opportunity at Jamboree for those who missed out in 2022 by extending the invitation to Venturer Scouts to 16 years of age to attend as participants or support workers.  

It is also important that our youth members understand that the next Jamboree is not until 2029. So please encourage your unit to consider how they can participate in this wonderful Scouting event.  Link to register interest is here 

110 years of Longreach Scout Group

I had the pleasure of visiting Longreach Scout Group this month to join them in celebrating 110 years of Scouting. A wonderful reflection on the history of the group, the opening of an extension to the Museum, the opening of the Avenue of Honour to reflect on the close association of Military Service and the Longreach Scout Group. I also had the chance to present three Queen’s Scout Awards, one Adult Recognition Award and Service Decoration Awards.  

All capped off with a lovely Scout’s Own on Sunday Morning.   
BRAVO and congratulations Longreach!  

Membership Invoices have been issued this month – so please take the time to review and attend to payment under the terms of the invoice. This is critical to ensure membership for your young person is current. 

We have commenced some Webinars on two topics – Insurance for 2024/25 and the State Government Infrastructure Funding over 2023/24 and 2024/25. 

Office 365

I trust you have all had the chance to review the changes we need to make to Office365 accounts for Adult Members that have been detailed recently. The link to the support hub is below, and again if you have any questions about the call to action, please email   

YOUth I-Statements

As part of our permanent commitment to the safety and empowerment of our young people, during National Child Protection Week, Scouts Australia have launched the Safeguarding YOUth I Statements. Created for each Section, these statements echo the voice of our Scouts, championing their rights, feelings, and boundaries. It’s more than just words – it’s a pledge to foster a world where our youth feel valued, protected and heard.   

For more information follow the Scouts Australia Facebook and Website.  

Have a great month and good Scouting!