The Great Alien Escape

 Save your race at LEAP23 before it’s too late!

The STEM Team has been collaborating with Anesu, who is completing a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at Griffith University, to create an Alien Escape Room.

Would you like to save an alien race? Now is your opportunity! In this specially designed escape room, you get the opportunity to learn about DNA, genetics and how these relate to physical characteristics.   Your alien race is under attack and it’s up to you to make sure you survive. You will be faced with many trials to save your family! You must learn how to genetically modify your genes for the best characteristics to successfully move to a new home world and conquer the escape room!   

The best part? This escape room will be offered during LEAP2023 as part of the STEM Base program. This is an interesting way to show people that science does not always have to be difficult and is quite fun.  For those not attending LEAP there may be future opportunities to participate and we are working on modifications for different age groups too.

Want to get invloved? Enter our competition!

Send your submissions to by 20 June 2023 for your name and/or drawing to be eligible. 

Please ensure your scout’s first name and group name are included on the submission so that credit can be attributed to them in the escape room resources.

Competition: Create that Alien!

Calling all creative Alien Commanders, we need your special skills.  

How would you like to have your alien design and name be part of The Great Alien Escape? 

We are launching a competition called Create That Alien. This is a great opportunity if you would like to DRAW and/or NAME a member of your alien family.  

Here are the aliens we are looking to name and create: 

  • an elderly alien
  • an adult alien
  • a young alien