As I am currently sitting at Camp LUII I find myself pondering “Are we doing everything we can to develop our Venturer Scouts?” We create programs that develop the physical and social aspects but how do we as Leaders develop the spiritual, intellectual and emotional aspects of the Youth in our care? If Scouting as an organisation is to stand up to its aims and principals then we need to question how do we challenge and develop all areas of personal growth within the programs that we deliver. If we challenge our thinking to aid the Venturer Scouts development we are definitely assisting in building a stronger generation of Youth into adults.

Youth Members come into the Venturer Scout Section at a crucial time in their development where society challenges their thinking at every turn. This is an ideal situation for an organisation like ours to be right there to provide a safe supportive environment. Simple aspects as watching a video to evoke discussion or setting idealistic debate topics for Venturer Scouts to research and debate can serve to meet the organisations and the Youth Members’ development in the intellectual and emotional areas.

Queensland Venture 2016

The next Queensland Venture will be held in Rockhampton during the June/July school holidays of 2016. This is an awesome event for the youth members in the Venturer Scout Section that has been successfully run five times.  This time I am taking it back to Central Queensland having the past two being run in Gold Coast and Cairns.  Naturally with any event that is run it does require a team of people to make the event successful and I am asking all Venturer Scout Leaders, Rovers, and interested parties to put their hand up to be part of the team for the 6th Queensland Venture.

To be part of the organising committee consisting of people coordinating roles such as; Expeditions; Administration; Transport; Finance; Activities (onsite and offsite); Health and Welfare; Catering; and Sites and Services (duty statements for these roles can be obtained by emailing me). If you or if you know anyone that is interested in any of these positions please send me an email outlining which position you are interested in and what experience you can bring to the position be that Scouting experience or Personal experiences prior to 31 July 2015.

Chris Dunne
Branch Commissioner Venturer Scouts

Dates (a partial list)

19/7                       Unit Management Course – Northgate Scout Den

17/7 – 19/7         Urban Challenge- Queensland Branch

24/7 – 26/7         Leadership Course – Atherton

8/8 – 9/8              Nighthawk

28/8 – 30/8         Leadership Course – Nerang

See for details of these activities