Well another year seems to have flown by. I hope that your Troops have kept you so busy that you have a similar feeling. As it happens every three years Scouting doesn’t stop over Christmas but ramps up instead. Early in January 1300 Scouts and Leaders from Qld will be swarming into local airports to make their way to Cataract Park for AJ2016. The Contingent team have been working towards this day for the last two years and it’s fantastic to see it drawing so close. A weekend of packing, a few sleeps and we’ll be off!

Scouter Skills Day

Scouter Skills days will be running 4 times next year. The location will move around and there will be variety in the program so make sure you at least come to one to see what you can get out of it. If you enjoy it then come to them all. While it’s aimed at skills for the Scout Section they are skills that can be utilised by any Leader. Check the Branch Calendar for dates.

Who knows, with a little knowledge your Scouts could be knotting their own Christmas decorations.

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I’d like to thank one and all for another great year of Scouting. All the time and effort you donate does make a difference. You may not see it straight away but your efforts will come home to roost. For those going to the AJ2016 that haven’t been to an AJ before be prepared to be blown away by how self-reliant and resilient your Scouts are. They will age two years in two weeks.

Thanks also go out to your families for letting you have the time to be involved so selflessly in developing our youth. Have a fantastic Christmas, rest up and I look forward to another year packed full of ADVENTURE in the great game of Scouting.

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Steve Marshall

In all of this, it is the spirit that matters. Our Scout law and Promise, when we really put them into practice, take away all occasion for wars and strife among nations” Sir Robert Baden-Powell