Scouts of The World

Peace – Environment ~ Responding

Development – Exploring ~ Taking action

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The Scouts of the World (SoW) Award provides the opportunity for Venturer Scouts and Rovers to “create a better world” by facing the three main challenges of the future as identified by the UN Millennium Development Goals:

PEACE, security and disarmament
DEVELOPMENT and poverty eradication
Protecting our common ENVIRONMENT

The Scouts of the World Award is granted to individuals who successfully complete:

1.SoW Discovery

An adventure at a SoW base lasting four days with a focus on Peace, Development or Environment. It comprises three steps:

1) Exploring: What is the issue/problem about?
2) Responding: What does it mean for me? This should include developing a feeling of personal commitment towards the issue/problem.
3) Taking Action: What can I do? Develop a personal project of action which contributes to solving the problem

2. SoW Voluntary Service

A period of voluntary service of two weeks in order to contribute to solving a problem related to the MDGs, ideally the issue focused on during the Discovery.

3. Report on their SoW experience

Complete a report on the SoW experience (Discovery + Voluntary Service). This can be a log book, a report, a photographic record, a blog, a website, a video or other form of report as agreed with your SoW base.
The SoW Award can be completed in partnership with a section of the BP Award or the World Scout Environment Badge as long as appropriate approvals for each of the Awards have been received.
The guidelines for the SoW Award and the SoW Passport are available through your Branch Rover Council and Branch Venturer Council.

Enquiries for SoW Projects please email the Scouts of the World Project Commissioner

There are many fantastic SoW Projects that have happened around the world. You can find out all about them and other information at the Scouts of the World website.

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Want to run a SoW Project? Do you have a great idea for a project? Or have an existing project that meets the SoW criteria?

We are here to support you in running SoW and making it a part of the program that Scouts Australia offers our members. We can provide you with:

• Passports for all your participants
• Certificates for all the participants that complete the Award
• Support on Discoveries
• Support on Projects
• Possible partners
• Documentation from previous SoW projects

Please contact the Project Commissioner, Scouts of the World on

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